Web Hosting Customers: Charitable Organizations
This page shows Tiger Technologies customers who have asked to be listed in the "Charitable Organizations" category of our customer list, in a random order. The descriptions are provided by the customers themselves.
The Athens Land Trust is a conservation and affordable housing non-profit organization whoe mission is to promote the quality of life through the integration of comunity and the natural environment in the Athens, GA area.
Equity Trust is a small, national non-profit organization committed to changing the spirit and character of our material relationships. We help communities to gain ownership interests in farmland, affordable housing, and other local resources, and we work with people to make economic changes that balance the needs of individuals with the needs of the community, the earth, and future generations.
Knok Studio produces high-end, creative media for charities who need it most.
Designed to introduce people to the Homeless Veterans Fellowship and give them the opportunity to contribute physically, professionally, or monitarily.
American Legion Post 455, New Egypt, NJ
Dearborn & Dearborn Hgts Area Right To Life
The Boston Birding Festival--Creating Experiences of Collective Awe
Orange County Wild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of open land in Orange County, CA.
Birmingham Alumnae Chapter, originally named Tau Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority in Birmingham, AL, was chartered on May 28, 1931.
Mediation and Teen Court Services provided for citizens of Cabarrus County, NC.
Chapter CV (105) was chartered to serve as the face and voice of Special Forces in our area; perpetuate Special Forces values, traditions, and brotherhood; advance public awareness of the Green Beret; and support the overall welfare of the Special Forces community.
The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and database management technology enables us to document the distribution and population of amphibian species within Amazonia, in order to aid in rainforest conservation efforts.
If you're a Tiger Technologies customer interested in adding your site to this list, this page explains how to do so.